Set up
We started planning our event about a month in advance to
ensure when we came to the day we would have all the equipment required and we
would have enough time to advertise the event.
Vigneshwar Paleri –Event Manager
Charlie Roberson – Production Manager
Alan Ng – Marketing Executive
James Anderson – Technical Coordinator
Nathaniel Graham – Programme Coordinator
We were given a budget of £100 to cover equipment, hiring
venue and advertisement.
To reduce the costs of hiring out a hall or other venue we
decided to try and hold the event at our school. Although this gave us more of
the budget to spend on any advertisement such as posters and flyers, using the
school as the venue meant that we were restricted to the dates we could hold
the event.
Event Format:

We decided to only have a invited audience of friends family
and those who had helped us with our gold arts award. This meant that we only
needed to advertise to a small group of people. We did this by sending out
invites and flyers.
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