Sunday, 4 March 2012

Retro Game Exhibition

Everyone outside the exhibition.

Nat enjoying the retro
gaming merchandise. 
The Woodhorn Videogame Nation Exhibition was basically a timeline of the development of the gaming industry and the technology brought about from it. Starting with a selection of games from consoles such as the Commondore 64 the exhibition showed that the first games were mostly based around puzzle solving problems similar to those seen in modern games such as Little Big Planet. This seemed to be the result in part to the lower quality of graphics allowing the most simple of shapes made from very large coloured pixels, and the processing power of the machines which only allowed a simple 2D platform to be created.

Retro gaming consoles

The exhibition then continued on through the history of the gaming industry showing not only the games and consoles but also the effect of gaming on society with game related merchandise. This helped show the effect that computer games have had on society as well as the development of the game consoles themselves from the tape readers to the games on cartridges.

Me and the gang showing off our
Donkey Kong based ties
Charlie checking out
the arcade games
Further through the exhibition there was the more modern game consoles including the pioneering Xbox Kinect which allowed you to use your body as the controller which was a step on from the Nintendo Wii’s use of the motion controlled console. 

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