Tuesday 3 April 2012

Communicating my view.

Most of my friends decided to present their views with a talk on their own individual topics, I on the other hand decided to communicate my view on my blog. This allowed me to communicate my argument to as many people  as possible rather than a select few who were at the talks. Unfortunately that didn't go fully to plan as after a number of weeks no debate had arisen so I had to direct people using Facebook to the blog to create a debate.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Finally My Final Piece

I have finally finished my final piece for my second time. Tell me what you think.

Monday 5 March 2012

Event Feedback.

Visitors filling out feedback forms.

At the end of the day we asked the visitors to fill out a feedback form and after reading through the forms I have found that the overall feeling of how the day went was positive with the only issue being that the heating was off. In retrospect that would have been something we should have looked into and if I was ever going to do this kind of thing again I would ask the owners of the venue to ensure the heating was on. However apart from this I would call the day a success. 

Overall we got very good feedback.

The Event!!!!

The day had finally arrived. We started to set up at 10:30am to give us plenty of time to deal with any problems or hiccups.

Visitors to the event trying
out some of the games
Some of the enthusiastic visitors
checking out the games.

The event attracted quite a crowd.
As Technical Coordinator my job was to ensure that all the equipment was working and set up correctly.

Our small mishap with the computer
 during Adam Graham's presentation.
Alan showing some of the visitors
his section of the exhibition.
The day went very well with only one minor issue with the talk from head of ANT Creative Adam Graham. During his talk on the similarities between videogames and films his computer lost audio. As a result of trying to correct this mishap all the presentations we had planned for the day were pushed back, meaning we finished later than we expected. However apart from this issue the were no real problems.

Planning The Event

Set up
We started planning our event about a month in advance to ensure when we came to the day we would have all the equipment required and we would have enough time to advertise the event.

Vigneshwar Paleri –Event Manager
Charlie Roberson – Production Manager
Alan Ng – Marketing Executive
James Anderson – Technical Coordinator
Nathaniel Graham – Programme Coordinator

We were given a budget of £100 to cover equipment, hiring venue and advertisement.

To reduce the costs of hiring out a hall or other venue we decided to try and hold the event at our school. Although this gave us more of the budget to spend on any advertisement such as posters and flyers, using the school as the venue meant that we were restricted to the dates we could hold the event.

Event Format:
The location we were given had a large hall with five rooms coming off it. We decided to base one of the rooms around each of the topics of our Gold Arts Awards with the main hall with general interactive art based reports and photographs of what we had been doing. My room was based around multiplayer gaming. However due to the lack of an internet connection I was unable to do any online gaming, instead I decided to show games such as; Portal 2 and LittleBigPlanet 2 and displayed some reports on the affects of multiplayer gaming. 
Alan designed our fliers and brochures.
This was our greatest dent into our budget.

We decided to only have a invited audience of friends family and those who had helped us with our gold arts award. This meant that we only needed to advertise to a small group of people. We did this by sending out invites and flyers.

Sunday 4 March 2012

Online Multiplayer Gaming vs Single Player Gaming

 I have laid out the arguments for both single player and multiplayer gaming below. In my opinion I am pro single player. But don't let that sway your mind give your opinion in the comment section at the bottom.

Online Multiplayer Gaming

Social Community – Online games allow you to play with people from across the world and socialise with people you wouldn’t normally meet. With single player games you are unable to communicate with others and are in fact drawn more into an unsocial environment.

Allows People to be creative and share work - multiplayer games such as LittleBig Planet allow people to create their own levels and characters and share them with people across the world.

Creates competition between gamers –due to the ability to connect with anyone in the world with an internet connection people can play each other at games and never meet again. This creates a competitive atmosphere in gaming which can be shown in to an extreme in my post ”Shut up you F#*!ing Noob”. However this can also be a good thing, stopping the game from becoming stale and boring.

Single Player Gaming

Gives you an opportunity to learn throughout the game – with single player games the game is designed to build up your skill as you progress. Whereas in online games you are thrown in the deep end and are put up against more experienced players.

Lets you experience an in depth storyline – modern single player games have such a complex and deep storyline that could match any film. Games such as Uncharted 3 have such complicated dialogue and characters and Heavy Rain with its tension are more like films than games. However multiplayer games do not have the ability to create such in depth plotlines and characters due to their shorter levels and large number of players.

 Greater developed platforms – due to the size of the average level on a single player game the game player platform for these games  needs to be much larger and as a result the game play is a lot smoother than on multiplayer online games and is a lot less likely to crash.

Ctrl - Alt - Del.... NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I should really back up more often. I had planned to have my final piece as some game footage with me narrating and explaining my point of view of the gaming industry and in particular the online multiplayer community. Unfortunately for me when I had almost finished my computer crashed and I lost all my work. I am remaking my final piece but this time I am having to slim it down.